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Good News

I have good news just bubbling up inside me, and so I just must share it with you. Our daughter, Paula has never been able to have children though she has longed to be a mother. She is almost 42 years old (sorry, honey---now everybody knows your age) so we all felt like motherhood was not part of God's plan for her life. On Monday of last week we learned that God's timing is far different from our earthly view of time. Our precious girl and her sweet husband are expecting a baby.

Our Lord is so good! He has answered our prayers, and we were very surprised even though we say that we believe God does answer prayer. Oh we of little faith.

Needless to say we are excited, delighted, overwhelmed, and every other adjective you can think of. We will be blessed with a new great grandbaby in August and a new grandbaby probably in October. Phew!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned. I'll keep you posted.