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As the first day of autumn approaches we begin the process of "gathering in" both physically and mentally. There is a change in the way the sunlight filters through the windows of our homes, and suddenly we notice that the air is a little cooler. The trees begin to take on just a hint of those beautiful colors that we look forward to this season. We realize that it is time to get our homes ready for this beautiful time of year.

We've decorated here at UNDER THE ARBOUR, and we're all ready to help you "cozy up" at your house. Whether you need some new treasures or just some decorating advice we are here to help. A new service that we now offer is HOME STYLING ----- we'll come to your home to help you with your decorating dilemas. Be sure to ask about this service.

Please join us on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. as we celebrate our FALL OPEN HOUSE. There will be special sales, new treasures, food, and lots of fun! Hope to see you.