Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you find something interesting.
We returned from the show tired and weary as usual. It was a great show. The weather was absolutely beautiful, and the crowds were the largest we have seen since we have been doing the show. We were quite surprised to look up Saturday morning to see Paula & Greg coming in. Paula just could not stand to miss the excitement so they decided to come since Butterbean was behaving. Luckily we did not have to birth a baby even though several of the dealers had offered their assistance just in case!
We were very glad to see them ---- of course because we love them ------ but also because they are a lot of help.

As of today we are still awaiting the arrival of our new granddaughter so the shop is open during our normal business hours.

Mark you calendars for Saturday November 14. We will be having our Christmas Open House and our second antique market on the grounds surrounding the shop. Several quality dealers will join us for this event. You don't want to miss it.